Matiullah Amin bio photo

Matiullah Amin

Controller & Systems Manager
Full-Stack Developer
Chairman SOLA
Founder Washezi

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About Me

I am a financial controller at a private foundation and a full-stack developer with an entrepreneurial spirit and background in economics.

Technologies I know:

Languages & Frameworks: MEAN Stack | Ruby | JavaScript | Ruby on Rails | jQuery | Sinatra | JSON | AJAX | API Integration | HTML5 | CSS3 | Boostrap | ActiveRecord ORM

Methodologies: OOP | MVC | Test-Driven Development | ERDs | Domain Modeling | User Stories | Wireframes | Authentication | Responsive Design | Agile Development
Databases: SQL | PostgreSQL | MongoDB
Management & Deployment: CLI | Git | Github | RSpec | Jasmine | Heroku
Foreign Languages: Pashto | Urdu | Hindi | Proficiency in Persian